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Authors: Əhmədov, Yaşar
Keywords: independence;democracy;sovereignty;political development;moral values;integration;national revival
Issue Date: 5-May-2023
Publisher: An international scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev called “The HEYDAR ALIYEV epoch in the development of Azerbaijani science and education”
Abstract: The process of creating history takes place over a certain period of time, and the mission of making maximum use of this time, directing it to the development and future of the people, the nation, and the strengthening of the state is related to the activity and name of certain personalities. The personality of Heydar Aliyev is a historical event - history creates a personality, and such personalities create history. Personality is formed by environment and events, but events are also controlled by personalities and events themselves bear their imprint. As it was said, there is no free time, there is only wasted time - the most important and holy desire of the great leader, who did not waste time in any period of his activity, but rather enriched it with his actions, was the creation of a strong, magnificent and powerful modern state based on the unity of the people and the solidarity of the Azerbaijanis around the world. Thanks to his bright political mind and talent, the national leader created a new Azerbaijan, its current realities and determined the paths leading to the future.
ISBN: 978-9952-542-15-8
metadata.dc.source.booktitle: SOCIAL AND HUMANIIES SCIENCES
First page number: 23
Last page number: 29
Number of pages: 7
Appears in Collections:An international scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev called “The HEYDAR ALIYEV epoch in the development of Azerbaijani science and education”

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