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Authors: Abdullayev, İlqar
Keywords: the idea of state independence;national development policy;Azerbaijanism
Issue Date: 5-May-2023
Publisher: An international scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev called “The HEYDAR ALIYEV epoch in the development of Azerbaijani science and education”
Abstract: Since national self-consciousness and self-expression are considered the fundamental basis and prerequi- site for state independence, the article analyzes the important factors that determine the national independen- ce of the modern Azerbaijani state. National independence begins with the declaration of independence and ends with the building of a sove- reign state. The emergence of independence as an internal need of the people and the result of political institutionali- zation is closely connected with the formation of worldview values and their transformation into a national way of thinking. The national idea in this sense is an important ideological dimension of independence. For many years, the struggle for the state independence of Azerbaijan was based on the idea of national unity and served to shape the mood of independent statehood. At the beginning of the last century, the struggle for independent statehood, carried out by the Azerbaijani intelligentsia with great self-sacrifice and determina- tion, paved the way for the dominance of this idea in the public mind, in fact, formed the basis for the idea of state independence.
ISBN: 978-9952-542-15-8
metadata.dc.source.booktitle: SOCIAL AND HUMANIIES SCIENCES
First page number: 30
Last page number: 32
Number of pages: 3
Appears in Collections:An international scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev called “The HEYDAR ALIYEV epoch in the development of Azerbaijani science and education”

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